MAUI application WebView control is not scrolling in Android using touch.
Need help on my MAUI application that includes a WebView control which I load with an in memory html string. When app runs on Android, scrolling cannot be done with touch. Scrolling does work with arrow keys. The app does scroll by touch in iOS.
How to fix 17.13.5 Issue
After updating my VS Studio Community installation to version 17.3.5 from version 17.12.5, I now get the following major error when building my Xamarin Android app: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'AndroidManifest.xml' is denied. …

Using layout_columnWeight & layout_rowWeight in RecyclerView
I have a Fragment with a root element of a 2×3 GridLayout, which contains several RecyclerView(s). The RecyclerView(s) at [1,0], [0,1] & [1,2] have either a dynamic (but not changing) width or height, and I want the RecyclerView at [1,1] to fill the…
Download big file failed but it gives a success message
Hi, I have this code in windows , net 9. I'm download a big file file (5 giga) from our website when using DownloadCommand and action is failed but I got success message. This is the problematic start code , how to fix it…
How to play an audio file in .NET MAUI
I want to play a sound on my mobile application (android and IOS) So I've Added the sound file under the “Resource/Raw” folder with BuildAction=MauiAsset and Added Nuget package "Plugin.Maui.Audio" and used below code to play the…
Create Identity Provider without Identity Server
Hi, I am learning something new and want to develop the identity provider similar to IdentityServer4. I am making quite some progress. The client project is Blazor OIDC, and Microsoft does it on Community Standup live. Auth Server is…

Control Not Visible on Smaller Screens or High-Scale Displays in MAUI
I have a custom control in my .NET MAUI application that is not visible under the following conditions: The screen size is less than 15.6 inches The resolution is lower than 1920 x 1080 The display scale is greater than 125% The control works…

System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Error while copying content to a stream. ---> System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Error while copying content to a stream. ---> System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object I am getting above error for the first API call at 'await…

Blazor WASM JS Calls with an Object Argument Work in VS Debug But Not a Published Release
I have a Blazor WASM app that uses JSRuntime to Get/Put IndexedDB data (mockup below). Calls to "Put" functions that pass an object (not a native type) to be stored work fine in the VS Community 2022 debugger, but when I run a published…
.NET Editor is not loading up in C# fundamentals course
.NET Editor is not loading up in C# fundamentals course. When i open c# certification from free codecamp one. xp and .net loader are not loading. please i need your help to fix it Link:…
Class not found error while binding aar library
I am trying to bind aar library called "autoreplyprint.aar", following is the aar file link I have…
Net 9- UnhandledException is working?
Hi, I'm using windows 10 net 9. Is UnhandledException working ? If it works , how can I test it? Please use the sample we used in: AppDomain currentDomain =…
Onidiom vs on Platform
Hi, What are the diffrences beween OnIdiom or OnPlatform ? Can you give sample how you yiu use each one? Thanks,
Keyboard height is not being calculated for the first time
I want to bring my editor above the keyboard when focused, but for the first time, keyboardHeight is coming as 0 and it stays behind the keyboard. If I unfocus and focus again, I am getting height of the keyboard I am working on Android private async…
Maui app as exe - throw exception when installing on new machine
Hi, Maui app as exe - throw exception when installing on new machine. This the message I got: What do we miss ? I used following command to publish application to exe. dotnet publish -f net9.0-windows10.0.19041.0 -c Release -p:WindowsPackageType=None …
.Net MAUI app fails to deploy only to remote iPhone
I have a .Net Maui app (9.0.14) built in vs2022 (updated to 17.13.4 today) on WIndows 11 Pro, which works fine on local dev machine, in ios simulator, android simulator and windows machine. I'm frustrated that I can't get the app icon to display if I…
App is crashing which swiping in carousel view in maui
I had implemented the carousel view in android, When im swipping app is getting crashed.
The Picker icon is not appearing in .NET MAUI on Windows 11.
.NET 8Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source android 35.0.39/9.0.100 SDK 9.0.100, VS 17.12.35527.113 aspire 8.2.2/8.0.100 SDK 9.0.100, VS 17.12.35527.113 ios …
Getting issue while view pdf in .net maui webview for android platform
InitializeComponent(); Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WebViewHandler.Mapper.AppendToMapping("MyCustomization", (handler, view) => { #if ANDROID handler.PlatformView.Settings.JavaScriptEnabled = true; …
How can I develop a Windows-only platform using .NET MAUI in Visual Studio Code?
Hello, I installed the MAUI extension for VS Code and the .NET workload. I'm looking to set up a project exclusively for the Windows Desktop platform. However, I've noticed that when I select maui-desktop or maui-windows, the installation still includes…