Unable to debug in Mac in Code
I have a Macbook with OS Sequoria. Xcode version 16.2. When I tried installing MAUI .NET 9.0.200 and tried debugging in VS Code. I got the below error: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path…
Is there a sample MAUI application to call c/c++ libraries that can be built from Windows and used on Windows, iOS and Android?
I am trying to convert my Xamarin.Forms mobile applications to MAUI. My applications depend on C libraries developed by government agencies (NOAA and USNO). For Xamarin.Forms I found a very good example for building a NuGet package from C library code…
Problem with Blazor InputSelect
I've been trying to learn Blazor and I've been working with a movie app tutorial that I got here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/tutorials/movie-database-app/?view=aspnetcore-9.0. I've added a lookup table with a "Star…
Maui app publish as EXE- steps in windows
Hi, I usually clean & rebuild my app in debug and later run this cmd : dotnet publish -f net9.0-windows10.0.19041.0 -c Release -p:WindowsPackageType=None -p:WindowsAppSDKSelfContained=true…
Why MAUI app as Exe is big
Hi, Why MAUI app as exe is big on windows? it can be solved Please see https://app.screencast.com/BVvSAWCZnNh9e ? Thanks,
I am trying to test the sample https://github.com/Azure-Samples/ms-identity-dotnetcore-maui/tree/main/MauiAppWithBrokerTo run in Android, it requires that "AndroidRedirectUri" be defined. The Entra ID portal requires a hash key that has to be…
WebView Navigated Event Not Triggered in .NET MAUI
I am experiencing an issue with the WebView control in my .NET MAUI app where the Navigated event does not fire after navigation. Here’s the scenario: The Source property of the WebView is set to a valid URL. I have subscribed to the Navigated event…
WebView Navigated Event Not Triggered in .NET MAUI
I am experiencing an issue with the WebView control in my .NET MAUI app where the Navigated event does not fire after navigation. Here’s the scenario: The Source property of the WebView is set to a valid URL. I have subscribed to the Navigated event…
Fonts become italic
Hi, In Maui template we have: fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular"); fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold"); Later I publish the app as exe. When I create setup with…
Custom fonts not working when uploading Maui Android project to Play Store
I have added custom fonts in the font directory of my Maui project's Resources directory and updated the MauiProgram.cs file accordingly. The fonts work fine when I deploy the application using Visual Studio, but when I publish the app and upload it to…
Error loading font 'Assets/Fonts/Segoe UI.ttf'. on log
Hi, I have this error when running the MAUI as exe. I do not have this fonts on my app in RESOURCES/FONTS and not resister it. 2025-03-13 11:57:26,921 [1] ERROR Microsoft.Maui.FontManager - Error loading font 'Assets/Fonts/Segoe…
Highlighting text within a editor
Hi, I'm using .Net 9 with MAUI. Highlighting text within a editor. The highlight is not released. Remains highlighted even after selecting other text. <telerik:RadBorder Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column ="0" …
Dirty log in login
Hi, I used log4net. When login I got this errors in the log, what it come from? Thanks. 2025-03-12 15:25:00,516 [1] ERROR GssdDesktopClient.Maui.ViewModels.LoginViewModel - LoginCommand System.InvalidOperationException: PlatformView cannot be null here …
flipping card update
I have my card using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Messaging; using System.Diagnostics; namespace LiveTileControl.Controls { public partial class LiveTileControl : ContentView { private bool _isFlipping; private bool _isDataAvailable; //…
Flyout IsPresented is property is not working as expected
I tried to determine whether the Flyout is presented using this approach: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/2200916/how-to-detect-the-flyout-open-and-close-in-maui It works fine in most cases, but I encountered an issue in a specific…
Picker.Focus() Not working in Windows - MAUI
Hello, I had a layout, Basically on tapping on that layout, I want to focus my picker. Unfortunately. picker.focus() is not working. Thanks.
.Net 8.0.10 and 8.0.11 hosting bundle doesn't install components
I have downloaded and installed the .NET Core Hosting bundle for 8.0.10 on the windows sever 2019. In the past when installing this bundle it will install the following components: Microsoft .NET Runtime - version (x64) Microsoft .NET Runtime - version…
Microsoft .NET Host -8.0.13 (x64) Popup
I keep getting a random popup with the header Microsoft .NET Host - 8.0.13 (x64) stating "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable." It further states "Click OK to try again, or enter an alternative…
Android-specific code on MAUI: Trouble with Android.Resource
What I am trying to achieve right now is something I've done before in other prototypes where I work, but I haven't run into this problem so far. I will give as much context as possible without making this question too long. Our app will use ARCore on…
how to draw this in .net.android
there is two points to one circle how to draw it? I am using canvas in OnDraw points:(p0x,p0y)and (p1x,p1y) and the center of the circle is (x,y) how to draw the line and the circle? I know how to draw circle but I do not want to draw the rest of the…