Problem with Blazor InputSelect
I've been trying to learn Blazor and I've been working with a movie app tutorial that I got here: I've added a lookup table with a "Star…
IsEnabled property doesn't seem to work for AppShell
I want to use the IsEnabled property of ShellContent object of the AppShell, but this property doesn't seem to have any effect if True or False. If working, this property is very handy, for example, to disable user interaction until some conditions are…
Missing file in Learn module
I'm unable to complete the module named "Interact with data in Blazor web apps" because there are one or more files missing in the project files host on GitHub. Where can I find "Services/OrderState.cs" that's referenced in Unit 9 of…
Azure function Isolated Process Model
I am using Azure Function Isolated process model .Net 8.0 I want to use Swagger UI as a result I installed Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.OpenApi.Core.Attributes However tis does not work using…
problem regarding taking online certification exam.
I was taking my exam in online and after attending about 15 questions it came to feedback section and there is no remaining question when i try to login again it is not going into login page i attached the screenshot below

Picker.Focus() Not working in Windows - MAUI
Hello, I had a layout, Basically on tapping on that layout, I want to focus my picker. Unfortunately. picker.focus() is not working. Thanks.

Fonts become italic
Hi, In Maui template we have: fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular"); fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold"); Later I publish the app as exe. When I create setup with…
XA0137: The 'run-as' command failed with 'run-as: couldn't stat /data/user/0/com.test.demo: No such file or directory '.
Hi all, My app not installing in release mode, Even I tried generating apk and installing but app is crashing every time. I'm getting following error Start debugging Android application failed Start debugging Android application ... am start -a…
flipping card update
I have my card using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Messaging; using System.Diagnostics; namespace LiveTileControl.Controls { public partial class LiveTileControl : ContentView { private bool _isFlipping; private bool _isDataAvailable; //…
Error loading font 'Assets/Fonts/Segoe UI.ttf'. on log
Hi, I have this error when running the MAUI as exe. I do not have this fonts on my app in RESOURCES/FONTS and not resister it. 2025-03-13 11:57:26,921 [1] ERROR Microsoft.Maui.FontManager - Error loading font 'Assets/Fonts/Segoe…
Operations on files obtained by Directory.EnumerateFiles never finish
【概要】 .netFramework 4.7を利用したプログラムにおいて Directory.EnumerateFilesで取得したファイル一覧に対して FOR文によるファイル操作を実施した場合に、処理が終わらない事象が発生しております。 既知事象の有無及び、改善策があればご教授頂けないでしょうか。 【実行環境】 OS:Windows Server2022 【処理詳細】 処理の詳細は以下の通りです。 ①Directory.EnumerateFilesメソッドを利用 …
. net maui uses Microsoft Data.SqlClients encountered an exception when directly connecting to SQL Server
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Successfully established a connection with the server, but an error occurred during the login process。 (provider: TCP provider, error: 0 - Success) HttpClient can be accessed normally SQL Server has not…
Connecting to MS Access and databases on Snapdragon ARM computers
As far as I know, there's still no ADODB or ODBC support on Snapdragon computers. Is there an ETA? In the meantime, can I use MS Access outside its IDE (where it works fine) or can I use SQL Server or MySQL? Can I use Visual Studio with MS Access or any…
How to enable access to permissions.
Hey, I have a problem. You see, my Xbox series S for some reason won't allow me to open Discord because I need to open permissions to do so. So, I looked up how to enable my permissions and went ahead and followed the instructions it provided. But when I…

Unable to debug in Mac in Code
I have a Macbook with OS Sequoria. Xcode version 16.2. When I tried installing MAUI .NET 9.0.200 and tried debugging in VS Code. I got the below error: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path…
Is there a sample MAUI application to call c/c++ libraries that can be built from Windows and used on Windows, iOS and Android?
I am trying to convert my Xamarin.Forms mobile applications to MAUI. My applications depend on C libraries developed by government agencies (NOAA and USNO). For Xamarin.Forms I found a very good example for building a NuGet package from C library code…
Maui app publish as EXE- steps in windows
Hi, I usually clean & rebuild my app in debug and later run this cmd : dotnet publish -f net9.0-windows10.0.19041.0 -c Release -p:WindowsPackageType=None -p:WindowsAppSDKSelfContained=true…
Why MAUI app as Exe is big
Hi, Why MAUI app as exe is big on windows? it can be solved Please see ? Thanks,
I am trying to test the sample run in Android, it requires that "AndroidRedirectUri" be defined. The Entra ID portal requires a hash key that has to be…
WebView Navigated Event Not Triggered in .NET MAUI
I am experiencing an issue with the WebView control in my .NET MAUI app where the Navigated event does not fire after navigation. Here’s the scenario: The Source property of the WebView is set to a valid URL. I have subscribed to the Navigated event…