How to upload pictrue or image file from directory where client saved
@page "/view-page" <h3>Blank View Page</h3> @for (int i = 0; i < tshirtItems.Count; i++) { <div class="tshirt-section"> <img src="@tshirtItems[i].ImagePath" alt="T-Shirt Image" /> …
What to do; When load web appear menu "Item" right hand and click menu show picture left area We use Blazor Assembly standAlone.
1.TShirtItem.cs namespace TestBlazorApp.Models { public class TShirtItem { public string Name { get; set; } public string ImagePath { get; set; } } ```} 2.TShirtItem.razor @page "/tshirt-items" @using…
Publish - Move to Framework Independent did not work
Hi, I have MAUI app in .NET 9. When making setup with installshield i first install dotnet runtime 9. and later include Maui app + WPF app + stand alone app- log decoder in one setup. The app call in runtime to WPF application using Process Info…
MAUI: How to update the webview height after loading new content
I want to implement the below UI in my MAUI application (header and footer sections are not added): Below is my code (header and footer sections are not added): Webview to show HTML content(with a background image), Audio frame with previous, play and…
Publishing MAUI Project on Windows: Grayed Out Option
I want to publish my MAUI project on the Windows platform, but the publishing option is grayed out. What steps can be taken to resolve this issue? Here's my C# project configuration: <Project…
Blank space is showing after webview when loading new content in MAUI
I want to create a UI with a Label(title), image(saint image) and a webview(to show HTMl content). When scroll I want to scroll the entire item, not the webview contents only. After all these I need a section to show the audio player with previous, next…
I'm experiencing problems with EF and SQL Server when running on Azure Webservice. The same code runs fine from VS with same db.
If I turn debugging on and connect my VS to the process, the error doesn't occur. Also I can run the code just fine from Visual Studio towards the same database. I do not Lazy Load. All Queries ens with ToFirstAsync() or ToListAsync() and has a Select to…
Optimizing WPF Application Startup Time on Shared Network Drive
My team is facing an issue when publishing the application on a shared network drive. When an end user opens the program for the first time after starting their computer, it takes significantly longer compared to running it from the local C drive (18…
I have a program where the MainPage contains a menu: <TableView Intent="Menu"> <TableRoot> <TableSection> <TextCell Text="Welcome" …
.NET MAUI iOS Release Build Requires Developer Mode to be Enabled on Physical Device
I have developed a .NET MAUI iOS application and successfully created an .ipa file using a release certificate and provisioning profile. However, when attempting to install the app on a physical device, I encounter the following error: "This app…
Dirty log in login
Hi, I used log4net. When login I got this errors in the log, what it come from? Thanks. 2025-03-12 15:25:00,516 [1] ERROR GssdDesktopClient.Maui.ViewModels.LoginViewModel - LoginCommand System.InvalidOperationException: PlatformView cannot be null here …
Selected Item Binding is not working for the Picker.
Hello, I had picker, I want to explicitly bind the selected item. I mean before the user selection iteself i want to display an item in the picker. here is my picker. <Picker x:Name="languageSelectionPicker" …
Picker.Focus() Not working in Windows - MAUI
Hello, I had a layout, Basically on tapping on that layout, I want to focus my picker. Unfortunately. picker.focus() is not working. Thanks.
How to detect the flyout Open and Close in MAUI
I would like to detect the flyout open and closing event
Unable to debug in Mac in Code
I have a Macbook with OS Sequoria. Xcode version 16.2. When I tried installing MAUI .NET 9.0.200 and tried debugging in VS Code. I got the below error: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path…
. net maui uses Microsoft Data.SqlClients encountered an exception when directly connecting to SQL Server
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Successfully established a connection with the server, but an error occurred during the login process。 (provider: TCP provider, error: 0 - Success) HttpClient can be accessed normally SQL Server has not…
Operations on files obtained by Directory.EnumerateFiles never finish
【概要】 .netFramework 4.7を利用したプログラムにおいて Directory.EnumerateFilesで取得したファイル一覧に対して FOR文によるファイル操作を実施した場合に、処理が終わらない事象が発生しております。 既知事象の有無及び、改善策があればご教授頂けないでしょうか。 【実行環境】 OS:Windows Server2022 【処理詳細】 処理の詳細は以下の通りです。 ①Directory.EnumerateFilesメソッドを利用 …
Error loading font 'Assets/Fonts/Segoe UI.ttf'. on log
Hi, I have this error when running the MAUI as exe. I do not have this fonts on my app in RESOURCES/FONTS and not resister it. 2025-03-13 11:57:26,921 [1] ERROR Microsoft.Maui.FontManager - Error loading font 'Assets/Fonts/Segoe…
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64-bit) - Preview Version 17.14.0 Preview 2.0 will no longer compile my MAUI app
After upgrading to preview 2, I cannot build my MAUI app. Visual Studio Output says: To build this project, the following workloads must be installed: wasm-tools-net8 To install these workloads, run the following command: dotnet workload restore But…
Intermittent SSL/TLS Failure in .NET 6: "Could Not Create Secure Channel"
I am developing a .NET application and facing an issue where my API calls intermittently fail with a HttpRequestException. The error message states, "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel." This happens randomly, even…