16,474 questions with .NET-related tags

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1 answer

Blazor WASM JS Calls with an Object Argument Work in VS Debug But Not a Published Release

I have a Blazor WASM app that uses JSRuntime to Get/Put IndexedDB data (mockup below). Calls to "Put" functions that pass an object (not a native type) to be stored work fine in the VS Community 2022 debugger, but when I run a published…

A free and open-source web framework that enables developers to create web apps using C# and HTML being developed by Microsoft.
1,667 questions
asked Mar 25, 2025, 6:48 PM
Steve Rehling 105 Reputation points
edited the question Mar 27, 2025, 2:24 AM
Ping Ni-MSFT 5,130 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
0 answers

App is crashing which swiping in carousel view in maui

I had implemented the carousel view in android, When im swipping app is getting crashed.

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
4,036 questions
asked Mar 19, 2025, 10:07 AM
Vaibhav Methuku 160 Reputation points
commented Mar 27, 2025, 2:18 AM
Yonglun Liu (Shanghai Wicresoft Co,.Ltd.) 49,766 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
0 answers

The Picker icon is not appearing in .NET MAUI on Windows 11.

.NET 8Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source android 35.0.39/9.0.100 SDK 9.0.100, VS 17.12.35527.113 aspire 8.2.2/8.0.100 SDK 9.0.100, VS 17.12.35527.113 ios …

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
4,036 questions
asked Mar 26, 2025, 12:28 PM
Sowndarrajan Vijayaragavan 450 Reputation points
edited a comment Mar 27, 2025, 2:03 AM
Leon Lu (Shanghai Wicresoft Co,.Ltd.) 81,096 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
1 answer

Getting issue while view pdf in .net maui webview for android platform

InitializeComponent(); Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WebViewHandler.Mapper.AppendToMapping("MyCustomization", (handler, view) => { #if ANDROID handler.PlatformView.Settings.JavaScriptEnabled = true; …

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
4,036 questions
asked Jan 9, 2024, 6:24 AM
Thombre, Ashish 130 Reputation points
answered Mar 26, 2025, 11:53 PM
Cliff 1 Reputation point MVP
1 answer

How can I develop a Windows-only platform using .NET MAUI in Visual Studio Code?

Hello, I installed the MAUI extension for VS Code and the .NET workload. I'm looking to set up a project exclusively for the Windows Desktop platform. However, I've noticed that when I select maui-desktop or maui-windows, the installation still includes…

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
4,036 questions
asked Aug 7, 2024, 6:37 AM
Shane 0 Reputation points
edited an answer Mar 26, 2025, 11:39 PM
Cliff 1 Reputation point MVP
1 answer

.Net MAUI app fails to deploy only to remote iPhone

I have a .Net Maui app (9.0.14) built in vs2022 (updated to 17.13.4 today) on WIndows 11 Pro, which works fine on local dev machine, in ios simulator, android simulator and windows machine. I'm frustrated that I can't get the app icon to display if I…

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
4,036 questions
asked Mar 25, 2025, 2:54 PM
Adrian Lewis 20 Reputation points
answered Mar 26, 2025, 11:26 PM
Cliff 1 Reputation point MVP
1 answer

Create Identity Provider without Identity Server

Hi, I am learning something new and want to develop the identity provider similar to IdentityServer4. I am making quite some progress. The client project is Blazor OIDC, and Microsoft does it on Community Standup live. Auth Server is…

A free and open-source web framework that enables developers to create web apps using C# and HTML being developed by Microsoft.
1,667 questions
asked Mar 26, 2025, 9:54 AM
Prathamesh Shende 381 Reputation points
answered Mar 26, 2025, 11:01 PM
Bruce (SqlWork.com) 73,181 Reputation points
1 answer

Is there a sample MAUI application to call c/c++ libraries that can be built from Windows and used on Windows, iOS and Android?

I am trying to convert my Xamarin.Forms mobile applications to MAUI. My applications depend on C libraries developed by government agencies (NOAA and USNO). For Xamarin.Forms I found a very good example for building a NuGet package from C library code…

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
4,036 questions
asked Feb 21, 2025, 4:50 PM
Brian Johnson 0 Reputation points
answered Mar 26, 2025, 8:53 PM
Brian Johnson 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Maui app as exe - throw exception when installing on new machine

Hi, Maui app as exe - throw exception when installing on new machine. This the message I got: What do we miss ? I used following command to publish application to exe. dotnet publish -f net9.0-windows10.0.19041.0 -c Release -p:WindowsPackageType=None …

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
4,036 questions
asked Mar 24, 2025, 8:37 AM
Dani_S 4,336 Reputation points
commented Mar 26, 2025, 5:50 PM
Mike Irving 0 Reputation points MVP
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Onidiom vs on Platform

Hi, What are the diffrences beween OnIdiom or OnPlatform ? Can you give sample how you yiu use each one? Thanks,

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
4,036 questions
asked Mar 21, 2025, 9:20 AM
Dani_S 4,336 Reputation points
commented Mar 26, 2025, 4:02 PM
Dani_S 4,336 Reputation points
1 answer

.NET Editor is not loading up in C# fundamentals course

.NET Editor is not loading up in C# fundamentals course. When i open c# certification from free codecamp one. xp and .net loader are not loading. please i need your help to fix it Link:…

.NET Training
.NET Training
.NET: Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.Training: Instruction to develop new skills.
25 questions
asked Mar 24, 2025, 2:55 PM
HARSHA VARDHAN NAKKA 15 Reputation points
commented Mar 26, 2025, 3:09 PM
Daniel Myint 0 Reputation points
0 answers

How can locate or find there live movements

How can I track anyone's location and movements from my computer?

.NET Training
.NET Training
.NET: Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.Training: Instruction to develop new skills.
25 questions
asked Mar 26, 2025, 2:18 PM
william siaffa 0 Reputation points
1 answer

Deploying .NET 8 Blazor Interactive server to an "app" in IIS

Am trying to install a blazor 8 server app on IIS. Everything works fine within VS2022, but once I deploy the files to IIS I get some errors. I've tried <base href="/BlazorApp4/" /> or <base href="/" /> and …

A free and open-source web framework that enables developers to create web apps using C# and HTML being developed by Microsoft.
1,667 questions
asked Oct 25, 2024, 8:19 PM
Steve Wasielewski 0 Reputation points
commented Mar 26, 2025, 2:00 PM
Kyler Brown 0 Reputation points
2 answers

Hosting Bundle 8.0.11 does not install .Net Runtime

Hi, Everything was working as expected until hosting bundle version 8.0.7. Started seeing issues from later versions. Until 8.0.7, installing hosting bundle included all components like Windows Server Hosting, .Net Runtime, Asp.Net Core Shared…

.NET Runtime
.NET Runtime
.NET: Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.Runtime: An environment required to run apps that aren't compiled to machine language.
1,200 questions
asked Nov 29, 2024, 1:59 PM
AEDDULA Nagababu 0 Reputation points
edited an answer Mar 26, 2025, 1:56 PM
Ole Kristian Hustad 0 Reputation points
2 answers

.Net 8.0.10 and 8.0.11 hosting bundle doesn't install components

I have downloaded and installed the .NET Core Hosting bundle for 8.0.10. In the past when installing this bundle it will install the following components: Microsoft .NET Runtime - version (x64) Microsoft .NET Runtime - version (x86) Microsoft ASP.NET…

Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
4,103 questions
A set of technologies in the .NET Framework for building web applications and XML web services.
4,806 questions
.NET Runtime
.NET Runtime
.NET: Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.Runtime: An environment required to run apps that aren't compiled to machine language.
1,200 questions
Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
4,103 questions
A set of technologies in the .NET Framework for building web applications and XML web services.
4,806 questions
.NET Runtime
.NET Runtime
.NET: Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.Runtime: An environment required to run apps that aren't compiled to machine language.
1,200 questions
asked Nov 13, 2024, 12:31 PM
KAPIL ARORA 0 Reputation points
edited a comment Mar 26, 2025, 1:33 PM
Ole Kristian Hustad 0 Reputation points
2 answers

.Net 8.0.10 and 8.0.11 hosting bundle doesn't install components

I have downloaded and installed the .NET Core Hosting bundle for 8.0.10. In the past when installing this bundle it will install the following components: Microsoft .NET Runtime - version (x64) Microsoft .NET Runtime - version (x86) Microsoft ASP.NET…

Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
4,103 questions
A set of technologies in the .NET Framework for building web applications and XML web services.
4,806 questions
.NET Runtime
.NET Runtime
.NET: Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.Runtime: An environment required to run apps that aren't compiled to machine language.
1,200 questions
Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.
4,103 questions
A set of technologies in the .NET Framework for building web applications and XML web services.
4,806 questions
.NET Runtime
.NET Runtime
.NET: Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.Runtime: An environment required to run apps that aren't compiled to machine language.
1,200 questions
asked Nov 13, 2024, 12:31 PM
KAPIL ARORA 0 Reputation points
edited a comment Mar 26, 2025, 1:33 PM
Ole Kristian Hustad 0 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Open PDF in MAUI in separate window

Hi, I have MAUI app in .NET 9 platform Windows and MAC. I have PDF file I want user will open it by click on button in separate window? Thanks,

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
4,036 questions
asked Mar 20, 2025, 8:00 AM
Dani_S 4,336 Reputation points
accepted Mar 26, 2025, 8:35 AM
Dani_S 4,336 Reputation points
1 answer

ubuntu下面运行asp.net core 不加载appsettings.json配置文件

我做了一个asp.net core5.0的站点,发布在ubuntu服务器上, 发现如果我不在程序所在文件夹下面运行站点,站点遍不会加载 appsettings.json配置文件 只要不在程序所在文件夹去启动站点,其他任何文件夹都不会加载 appsettings.json配置文件,这是为什么呢??

A set of technologies in the .NET Framework for building web applications and XML web services.
4,806 questions
.NET Runtime
.NET Runtime
.NET: Microsoft Technologies based on the .NET software framework.Runtime: An environment required to run apps that aren't compiled to machine language.
1,200 questions
asked Oct 25, 2021, 2:23 AM
easy999000 1 Reputation point
answered Mar 26, 2025, 7:21 AM
SY LI 0 Reputation points
3 answers

BlazorWebAppEntra .net9 sample app resets back to Home page

Download the BlazorWebAppEntra .net9 sample and create the app in Azure Entra with the other setup that you need to do in Azure. When you are able to login using Azure Entra into you Blazor Web App login click the Weather link in the Nav bar. You will…

Blazor Training
Blazor Training
Blazor: A free and open-source web framework that enables developers to create web apps using C# and HTML being developed by Microsoft.Training: Instruction to develop new skills.
19 questions
asked Mar 23, 2025, 10:41 AM
Saeed Dudhia 0 Reputation points
commented Mar 26, 2025, 7:12 AM
Pradeep M 6,655 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
1 answer

.NET MAUI error after binding android library (.aar)

I am using android library called "autoreplyprint.aar" , this library contains another.jar file called "jna-4.5.1.jar". I have used following code to bind it in my MAUI project, <ItemGroup…

A Microsoft open-source framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
4,036 questions
asked Mar 19, 2025, 4:23 PM
Nikhil Sathawara 0 Reputation points
commented Mar 26, 2025, 6:01 AM
Leon Lu (Shanghai Wicresoft Co,.Ltd.) 81,096 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff