Is there a sample MAUI application to call c/c++ libraries that can be built from Windows and used on Windows, iOS and Android?
I am trying to convert my Xamarin.Forms mobile applications to MAUI. My applications depend on C libraries developed by government agencies (NOAA and USNO). For Xamarin.Forms I found a very good example for building a NuGet package from C library code…
Maui app as exe - throw exception when installing on new machine
Hi, Maui app as exe - throw exception when installing on new machine. This the message I got: What do we miss ? I used following command to publish application to exe. dotnet publish -f net9.0-windows10.0.19041.0 -c Release -p:WindowsPackageType=None …
Onidiom vs on Platform
Hi, What are the diffrences beween OnIdiom or OnPlatform ? Can you give sample how you yiu use each one? Thanks,
.NET Editor is not loading up in C# fundamentals course
.NET Editor is not loading up in C# fundamentals course. When i open c# certification from free codecamp one. xp and .net loader are not loading. please i need your help to fix it Link:…
How can locate or find there live movements
How can I track anyone's location and movements from my computer?
Deploying .NET 8 Blazor Interactive server to an "app" in IIS
Am trying to install a blazor 8 server app on IIS. Everything works fine within VS2022, but once I deploy the files to IIS I get some errors. I've tried <base href="/BlazorApp4/" /> or <base href="/" /> and …
Hosting Bundle 8.0.11 does not install .Net Runtime
Hi, Everything was working as expected until hosting bundle version 8.0.7. Started seeing issues from later versions. Until 8.0.7, installing hosting bundle included all components like Windows Server Hosting, .Net Runtime, Asp.Net Core Shared…
.Net 8.0.10 and 8.0.11 hosting bundle doesn't install components
I have downloaded and installed the .NET Core Hosting bundle for 8.0.10. In the past when installing this bundle it will install the following components: Microsoft .NET Runtime - version (x64) Microsoft .NET Runtime - version (x86) Microsoft ASP.NET…
.Net 8.0.10 and 8.0.11 hosting bundle doesn't install components
I have downloaded and installed the .NET Core Hosting bundle for 8.0.10. In the past when installing this bundle it will install the following components: Microsoft .NET Runtime - version (x64) Microsoft .NET Runtime - version (x86) Microsoft ASP.NET…
The Picker icon is not appearing in .NET MAUI on Windows 11.
.NET 8Installed Workload Id Manifest Version Installation Source android 35.0.39/9.0.100 SDK 9.0.100, VS 17.12.35527.113 aspire 8.2.2/8.0.100 SDK 9.0.100, VS 17.12.35527.113 ios …
.Net MAUI app fails to deploy only to remote iPhone
I have a .Net Maui app (9.0.14) built in vs2022 (updated to 17.13.4 today) on WIndows 11 Pro, which works fine on local dev machine, in ios simulator, android simulator and windows machine. I'm frustrated that I can't get the app icon to display if I…
Create Identity Provider without Identity Server
Hi, I am learning something new and want to develop the identity provider similar to IdentityServer4. I am making quite some progress. The client project is Blazor OIDC, and Microsoft does it on Community Standup live. Auth Server is…

App is crashing which swiping in carousel view in maui
I had implemented the carousel view in android, When im swipping app is getting crashed.
Open PDF in MAUI in separate window
Hi, I have MAUI app in .NET 9 platform Windows and MAC. I have PDF file I want user will open it by click on button in separate window? Thanks,
ubuntu下面运行 core 不加载appsettings.json配置文件
我做了一个 core5.0的站点,发布在ubuntu服务器上, 发现如果我不在程序所在文件夹下面运行站点,站点遍不会加载 appsettings.json配置文件 只要不在程序所在文件夹去启动站点,其他任何文件夹都不会加载 appsettings.json配置文件,这是为什么呢??
BlazorWebAppEntra .net9 sample app resets back to Home page
Download the BlazorWebAppEntra .net9 sample and create the app in Azure Entra with the other setup that you need to do in Azure. When you are able to login using Azure Entra into you Blazor Web App login click the Weather link in the Nav bar. You will…
.NET MAUI error after binding android library (.aar)
I am using android library called "autoreplyprint.aar" , this library contains another.jar file called "jna-4.5.1.jar". I have used following code to bind it in my MAUI project, <ItemGroup…
Issue with Project Reference
I am using visual studio 2022 with net9. C# unable to reference a class library project in another class library project. \Program Files\dotnet\sdk\9.0.201\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(2189,5): warning MSB9008: The referenced project…
Entry Focus issue in scroll view Maui
I had created a view with 30 entries in a scroll view, for suppose I focus on the 16 entry and click in the background Entry 1 is being focused automatically. Here is the code for reference. <ScrollView BackgroundColor="Green" …
Issues in release mode after upgrading to MAUI 9
After i upgrade from MAUI 8 to MAUI 9 , i face the following issues , I cannot have my target framework to net9.0-android35.0 but i could only use net9.0-android , i get the error as mentioned in the github link…